Monday, March 7, 2011


The Blessed Alliance
Add women, change everything.
By Carolyn Custis James

In the wake of the 2008 economic crisis, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof reported that financial experts at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland wondered out loud whether the economy would be in the same mess if Lehman Brothers had instead been Lehman Brothers and Sisters. What has the ring of something innovative and progressive is actually a remnant of humanity’s forgotten ancient past—an idea with primordial biblical roots that reach back to the Garden of Eden. Read more »

Saying 'Yes' to Women
Empowering women to lead.
By Elisa Morgan

Women as Leaders
Understanding God's Call in our Lives
By Dr. Kathleen Patterson and Dr. Myra Dingman

Biblical Succession Planning
Emphasizing the 'what' over the 'who.'
By Gayla Congdon

Affirming Women's Call to Lead
How to develop next-generation leaders for Christian nonprofits.
By Karen A. Longman

Hundreds of reference letters have crossed my desk over the past decade in my role of coordinating programs designed to identify, equip, and encourage future leaders for Christian higher education. Last spring, one such letter caught my attention.

Attracting and Developing Future Leaders
How to invest in those who may be leading your nonprofit in 20 years.
By Carson Pue

Christian magazines, newspapers, and job-search firms specializing in nonprofit organizations are constantly advertising job opportunities for Christian leaders. Have your read ads like this?

Bricks and Moratoriums: Zoning Out Churches
Economy impacts churches' battles to build.
By Bobby Ross Jr.
Provided by Christianity Today

The city council of Burbank, Illinois, passed a new zoning law late last year banning churches from building in commercial areas. The action came after Rios de Agua Viva, a Hispanic congregation, signed a $900,000 contract to transform an old restaurant into its new sanctuary.

Single Advantage
Fostering a singles-friendly workplace can mean increased employee retention—and more
By Lucinda Armas

It's 7:00 p.m. and your department's well-meaning manager walks past a row of cubicles. "Go home to your family, call it a day!" she tells a husband with two kids. Then, without thinking, she glances over at another manager, a middle-aged bachelor, and asks "Hey, working late again?"

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